Title: What Pattern?: How To Get Out Of Your Repetition Trap (Without Chewing Off Your Hand), Author: Matt Prager
Title: What Do I Want Again?: Getting What You Actually Want Instead Of What Your Emotions Want You To Have, Author: Matt Prager
Title: The Slow Fade: How To Create Distance Or Closeness In Relationships (In Lieu Of Dumping Them Entirely), Author: Matt Prager
Title: The Lawn Is Always Greener: How To Be Complete With What You Have Right Now, Author: Matt Prager
Title: The Boundaries Song: How To Avoid Being As Co-Dependent As The Couples In 70's Power Ballads, Author: Matt Prager
#9 in Series
Title: That Shizz Hurt!: Dealing With Past Abuse And Not Letting It Rule Your Present, Author: Matt Prager
Title: I'm The Winner!: Value, Worth and Finding Your Inner Success, Author: Matt Prager
Title: I'm So Mad!: How To Take Control Of Your Anger And Chillax Those Emotions, Author: Matt Prager
#5 in Series
Title: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: How To Prune Your Decision Tree And Get What You Really Want, Author: Matt Prager
#2 in Series