Title: Tomboy Road, Author: Nikki Duvall
#1 in Series
Title: Tomboy in a Princess Dress, Artist:
Title: Tomboy #8: Sanctuary, Author: M. Goodwin
Title: Tomboy #7: The Devil You Know, Author: M Goodwin
Title: Tomboy #6: Revelations, Author: M. Goodwin
Title: Tomboy #5: False Prophet, Author: M. Goodwin
Title: Tomboy #4, Author: M. Goodwin
Title: Tomboy #3, Author: M Goodwin
Title: Tiff the Tomboy and the Princess: Early Reader - Children's Picture Books, Author: N. Litvinova
Title: River Runs Deep: Memoirs of a Tomboy, Author: Bernd Hölscher
Title: My Little Tomboy: Little Girls Play Sports Too, Author: Rachel E. Naughton
Title: His Tomboy Bride, Author: Leanna Wilson
#1305 in Series
Title: Best of the Best Sellers Girls Only How To Have It All( young thing, Frau, woman, abigail, weaker vessel, au pair girl, wahine, babe, virgin, best girl, twist, betweenmaid, tomboy, bird, teenybopper, chambermaid,), Author: Resounding Wind Publishing
Title: A Terrible Tomboy, Author: Angela Brazil
Title: A Modern Tomboy: a Story for Girls, Author: Mrs. L.T. Meade
Title: A Modern Tomboy, Author: L.T. Meade