Title: Upper Room Worshipbook, Author: Elise Eslinger
Title: Blessed to be a Blessing: Sacred Circle Time for Young Children, Author: Upper Room
Title: The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation: Creating a Culture of JustPeace, Author: Thomas Porter
Title: The Upper Room Dictionary of Christian Spiritual Formation, Author: Keith Beasley-Topliffe
Title: Job Descriptions For Leadership Training 2017-2020: In The United Methodist Church, Author: Upper Room
Title: Children Worship!, Author: Mary Jane Pierce-Norton
Title: Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory: From Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts, Author: Charles V. Bryant
Title: In the Sanctuary of Women: Daily Prayers and Readings, Author: Jan L. Richardson
Title: Companions in Christ: A Small-Group Experience in Spiritual Formation Participant's Book Revised, Author: Marjorie J. Thompson
Title: Guide for Prayer for All God's People, Author: Rueben P. Job
Title: Companions in Christ: A Small-Group Experience in Spiritual Formation, Author: Marjorie J. Thompson
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Title: Viral Multiplication In Hispanic Churches: How to Plant and Multiply Disciple-Making Hispanic Churches in Twenty-first Century America, Author: Upper Room
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Title: The Upper Room Disciplines 2018: A Book of Daily Devotions, Author: Upper Room
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Title: The Upper Room Disciplines 2017-Enlarged-Print Edition: A Book of Daily Devotions, Author: Rita Collett
Title: The Upper Room Disciplines 2019 Enlarged Print: A Book of Daily Devotions, Author: Upper Room
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