Title: Revisionist Art: Thirty Works by Bob Dylan, Author: Bob Dylan
Hardcover $78.50 $100.00 Current price is $78.50, Original price is $100.00.
Title: Bob Dylan All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track Expanded Edition, Author: Philippe Margotin
Title: Why Bob Dylan Won the Nobel Prize for Literature : The Triumph of the Populist Poetic, Author: Pony Pony Run Run
Title: Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish Identity--Sandy Koufax, Lenny Bruce, Bob Dylan, and Barbra Streisand, Author: David E. Kaufman
Title: The Political Art of Bob Dylan, Author: David Boucher
Title: Weltliteratur interkulturell: Referenzen von Cusanus bis Bob Dylan. Fur Dieter Lamping zum 60. Geburtstag, Author: Heike C Spickermann