Title: A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs (Felse Investigations Series #4), Author: Ellis Peters
#4 in Series
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Title: The Skies Discrowned and An Epitaph in Rust: The Complete Novels, Author: Tim Powers
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Title: Epitaph for a Desert Anarchist: The Life and Legacy of Edward Abbey, Author: James Bishop
Title: Cut These Words into My Stone: Ancient Greek Epitaphs, Author: Michael Wolfe
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Title: Epitaph road, Author: David Patneaude
Title: Canada's Dream Shall Be of Them: Canadian Epitaphs of the Great War, Author: Eric McGeer
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Title: Dollhouse, Volume 1: Epitaphs, Author: Andrew Chambliss
Title: The Deaths of the Popes: Comprehensive Accounts, Including Funerals, Burial Places and Epitaphs, Author: Wendy J. Reardon
Title: John Osborne Plays 1: Look Back in Anger; Epitaph for George Dillon; The World of Paul Slickey; Dejavu, Author: John Osborne