Title: Fragile States in the Americas, Author: Jonathan D. Rosen
Title: State Crisis in Fragile Democracies: Polarization and Political Regimes in South America, Author: Samuel Handlin
Title: Fragile States and Insecure People?: Violence, Security, and Statehood in the Twenty-First Century, Author: Louise Andersen
Title: Power, Politics, and the Decline of the Civil Rights Movement: A Fragile Coalition, 1967-1973: A Fragile Coalition, 1967â?
Title: Fragile Finance: Debt, Speculation and Crisis in the Age of Global Credit, Author: A. Nesvetailova
Title: Fragile Alliances: Labor and Politics in Evansville, Indiana, 1919-1955 (Contributions to Labor Studies Series), Author: Samuel W. White
Title: Cuban Health Care: Utopian Dreams, Fragile Future, Author: Steven Ullmann
Title: Fixing Fragile States: A New Paradigm for Development, Author: Seth D. Kaplan
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Title: Development in Difficult Sociopolitical Contexts: Fragile, Failed, Pariah, Author: A. Ware