Title: Jimi Hendrix: The Uncut Story [3 Discs]
Title: Jimi Hendrix: The Last 24 Hours
Title: The Jimi Hendrix Experience: Electric Ladyland
Title: Jimi Hendrix [Deluxe Edition]
Title: Curious
Title: Jimi Hendrix: The Complete Story
Title: World's Greatest Albums: Jimi Hendrix Smash Hits
Title: Jimi Hendrix: Live at Monterey
Title: Bloodspit
Director: Joe Boyd, Gary Weis
Title: Guitar World: How to Play The Jimi Hendrix Experience's Axis: Bold as Love
Title: Guitar World: How to Play The Best of The Jimi Hendriz Experience's Electric Ladyland
Title: Jimi Hendrix: Live at Woodstock [Blu-ray]
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Title: Good Intentions
Title: Jimi Hendrix: Live at Woodstock
Title: The Jimi Hendrix Experience: Learn to Play the Songs From Are You Experienced
Title: Jimi Hendrix: The Guitar Hero
Title: West Coast Seattle Boy: Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child
Title: Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsies - Live at the Fillmore
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Title: Lick Library: Guitar Quick Licks - Slow Blues Jimi Hendrix Style
Title: Play Hendrix
Director: Bob Smeaton

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