Title: Wiser For The Time, Artist:
Title: What Another Man Spills, Artist: Lambchop
Title: Wasa Wasa, Artist:
Title: Tim Hardin 1, Artist:
Title: This Note's for You [LP], Artist: Neil Young
Title: The Incredible String Band, Artist:
Title: The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion, Artist: The Incredible String Band
Title: Ten Years After, Artist: Ten Years After
Title: Suddenly One Summer, Artist: J.K. & Co.
Title: Stonedhenge, Artist:
Title: Starlite Walker, Artist: Silver Jews
Title: Silk Degrees, Artist: Boz Scaggs
Title: Shannon in Nashville, Artist: Shannon Shaw
Title: Santana, Artist: Santana
Title: Ron Franklin, Artist: Ron Franklin
Title: Righteous, Artist: Harvey Mandel
Title: Please Come Home, Artist: Dustin Kensrue
Title: Paradox [Original Music from the Film], Artist: Promise of the Real
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Title: One Nation Underground, Artist: Pearls Before Swine
Title: On Tour with Eric Clapton, Artist: Delaney & Bonnie

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