Title: Queen of Bebop: The Musical Lives of Sarah Vaughan, Author: Mojo Nectar
Title: John Mayall: The Blues Crusader, Author: Dinu Logoz
Title: It's about That Time: Miles Davis on and off Record, Author: Richard Cook
Title: Kansas City Lightning: The Rise and Times of Charlie Parker, Author: Stanley Crouch
Title: Saxophone Colossus: A Portrait of Sonny Rollins, Author: Bob Blumenthal
Title: Pops: A Life of Louis Armstrong, Author: Terry Teachout
Title: Louis Armstrong, Master of Modernism, Author: Thomas Brothers
Title: Lee Morgan: His Life, Music and Culture, Author: Tom Perchard
Title: Herbie Hancock: Possibilities, Author: Herbie Hancock
Title: Growing up with Jazz: Twenty-Four Musicians Talk about Their Lives and Careers, Author: W. Royal Stokes