Title: Untitled (AITAOA #2), Artist: Portico Quartet
Title: Untitled (AITAOA #2), Artist: Portico Quartet
Title: Tokyo 1975, Artist: Dexter Gordon Quartet
Title: Time Out, Artist: The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Title: The String Quartet Tribute to Norah Jones, Artist: Vitamin String Quartet
Title: The String Quartet Tribute to Diana Krall [2003], Artist: Vitamin String Quartet
Title: Tenor Madness, Artist: Sonny Rollins Quartet
Title: Resistance, Artist: Brandon Coleman
Title: Monk's Dream, Artist: Thelonious Monk Quartet
Title: Live at the Village Vanguard [LP], Artist: John Coltrane Quartet
Title: Laurindo Almeida Quartet Featuring Bud Shank, Artist: Laurindo Almeida
Title: Jazz at the College of the Pacific, Artist: The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Title: Jazz at Ann Arbor, Artist: Chet Baker Quartet
Title: Here's the Thing, Artist: The John Perrine Quartet
Title: Hank Jones Quartet: Complete Recordings, Vol. 2, Artist: Hank Jones
Title: Fragments of Music, Life & Death of Albert Ayler, Artist: Die Like a Dog Quartet
Title: Beyond the Sound Barrier, Artist: Wayne Shorter Quartet
Title: At Ease, Artist: Coleman Hawkins
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Title: Aruán Ortiz Trio Live In Zürich, Artist: Aruan Ortiz
Title: Aoyama Crows, Artist: Die Like a Dog Quartet