This comedy-drama follows the exploits of a family of vultures waiting for wealthy uncle to die. Uncle Joe McTeague though wheelchair bound, is mean, manipulative, fussy, and unpleasant. He is however, filthy rich. He is surrounded by three obsequious relatives who do everything they can to get on the heirless Joe's good side. They outwardly adore him bringing him stuffed birds, compliment him; they have even named their children for him. But the truth is, they hate his guts and he knows it. They don't like each other much either. They are united only by their love of his money. When they discover that he has hired a ravishing young woman to be his "nurse," they are panic stricken that she will get the inheritance. Together they hatch a plan. They will find his estranged favorite nephew Daniel McTeague Jr., son of Joe's left-wing brother. Daniel is best remembered for his cutesy imitations of Jimmy Durante. Daniel the man is now a struggling pro-bowler with an arthritic wrist. All he really wants is to open his own bowling alley, but he too becomes intoxicated by greed.