Title: Judging Juveniles: Prosecuting Adolescents in Adult and Juvenile Courts, Author: Aaron Kupchik
Title: Gangs and Girls: Understanding Juvenile Prostitution, Author: Michel Dorais
eBook $16.99 $29.95 Current price is $16.99, Original price is $29.95.
Title: Gangs and Girls: Understanding Juvenile Prostitution, Author: Michel Dorais
Title: The Development of Persistent Criminality, Author: Joanne Savage
eBook $54.99 $79.99 Current price is $54.99, Original price is $79.99.
Title: Youth Offending and Youth Justice, Author: Monica Barry
Title: Escape From Folsom Prison - The True Story of William Jennings Bryan Burke, Author: Nan Nichols Sharrer Crussell
Title: Youth Offending and Youth Justice, Author: Monica Barry
Title: The School-to-Prison Pipeline: Structuring Legal Reform, Author: Catherine Y. Kim
Title: Seiser & Kumli on California Juvenile Courts Practice and Procedure, 2012 Edition, Author: Gary C. Seiser
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Alabama Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondchance,com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Alaska Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Arizona Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Arkansas Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Kentucky Edition The Ultimate Guide to Second Chances, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Louisiana Edition The Ultimate Guide to Second Chances, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Guidelines for the Screening of Persons Working With Children, the Elderly, and Individuals With Disabilities in Need of Support, Author: Noy S. Davis
Title: Jurisdictional Technical Assistance Package for Juvenile Corrections, Author: Ann H. Crowe
Title: Juvenile Justice Reform Initiatives in the States: 1994-1996, Author: National Criminal Justice Association
Title: National Institute of Corrections - Guide to Developing a Jail Information System, Author: JD P
Title: The History of Juvenile System and Civil Corruption in Pennsylvania, Author: Ms. Pinky Stanseski

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