Title: A Parent's Guide to Juvenile Defense in Georgia: For Parents, Counselors, Advocates, Educators, Clergy, Author: Kathryn Boortz
Title: A Return to Justice: Rethinking our Approach to Juveniles in the System, Author: Ashley Nellis
Title: After the Doors Were Locked: A History of Youth Corrections in California and the Origins of Twenty-First Century Reform, Author: Daniel E. Macallair
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#2 in Series
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Alabama Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondchance,com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Alaska Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Arizona Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Arkansas Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Kentucky Edition The Ultimate Guide to Second Chances, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Louisiana Edition The Ultimate Guide to Second Chances, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com
Title: Escape From Folsom Prison - The True Story of William Jennings Bryan Burke, Author: Nan Nichols Sharrer Crussell
Title: Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure and Rules of Judicial Administration, 2017 Edition, Author: The Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education
eBook $55.49 $63.00 Current price is $55.49, Original price is $63.00.
Title: Gangs and Girls: Understanding Juvenile Prostitution, Author: Michel Dorais
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Title: Good Morning Uncle Sam, Author: Andrew Miles
Title: Guidelines for the Screening of Persons Working With Children, the Elderly, and Individuals With Disabilities in Need of Support, Author: Noy S. Davis
Title: Handcuffed: Through the eyes of a CO, Author: Victor S
Title: Judging Juveniles: Prosecuting Adolescents in Adult and Juvenile Courts, Author: Aaron Kupchik

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