Title: A Cook's Tour of Iowa, Author: Susan Puckett
Title: A Damned Iowa Greyhound: The Civil War Letters of William Henry Harrison Clayton, Author: Donald C. Elder
Title: A Damned Iowa Greyhound: The Civil War Letters of William Henry Harrison Clayton, Author: Donald C. Elder
Title: A Dictionary of Iowa Place-Names, Author: Tom Savage
Title: Peculiar People: Iowa's Old Order Amish, Author: Elmer Schwieder
Title: A Perfect Picture Of Hell: Eyewitness Accounts By Civil War Prisoners From The 12Th Iowa, Author: Ted Genoways
Title: A Secret to Be Buried : The Diary and Life of Emily Hawley Gillespie, 1858-1888 (A Bur Oak Original Series), Author: Judy Nolte Lensink
Title: A Secret To Be Burried: Diary Emily Hawley Gillespie, Author: Judy Nolte Lensink
Title: Benjamin Shambaugh and the Intellectual Foundations of Public Hisory, Author: Rebecca Conard
Title: Buxton: A Black Utopia in the Heartland, Author: Dorothy Schwieder
Title: Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World, Author: Vicki Myron
Title: Esther's Town, Author: Deemer Lee
Paperback $11.65 $19.95 Current price is $11.65, Original price is $19.95.
Title: From Blue Mills to Columbia, Author: Kenneth L. Lyftogt
Title: Frontier Forts of Iowa: Indians, Traders, and Soldiers, 1682-1862, Author: William E. Whittaker
Title: Gentlemen Bootleggers: The True Story of Templeton Rye, Prohibition, and a Small Town in Cahoots, Author: Bryce T. Bauer
Title: Greeting From Council Bluffs, Iowa, Author: Midlands Marketing
Title: Harker's Courthouses: Visions of an Iowa Icon, Author: Michael Harker
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Title: History of the 33D Iowa Infantry Volunteer Regiment, 1863-6, Author: A.F. Sperry
Title: Home Fronts Of Iowa. 1939-1945, Author: Lisa L. Ossian
Title: Iowa History Reader / Edition 1, Author: Marvin Bergman

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