Title: Home Fronts Of Iowa. 1939-1945, Author: Lisa L. Ossian
Title: A Secret To Be Burried: Diary Emily Hawley Gillespie, Author: Judy Nolte Lensink
Title: Love amid the Turmoil: The Civil War Letters of William and Mary Vermilion / Edition 1, Author: Donald C. Elder
Title: A Perfect Picture Of Hell: Eyewitness Accounts By Civil War Prisoners From The 12Th Iowa, Author: Ted Genoways
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Title: Iowa Stereographs: Three-Dimensional Visions of the Past, Author: Mary Bennett
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Title: The WPA Guide to 1930s Iowa, Author: Joseph Frazier Federal Writers Project
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Title: Love amid the Turmoil: The Civil War Letters of William and Mary Vermilion, Author: Donald C. Elder
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