Title: I Am 2, Author: Michael Daniels
Title: Back from the Dead, Author: Drac Von Stoller
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Title: The Headless Horsemen, Author: Drac Von Stoller
#19 in Series
Title: Pets, Author: Matthew Stephens
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by Alexandre Dumas
Narrated by  John Van Stan
Title: Bedtime Tales, Author: Die Fantastischen Elf
Title: Atrophy, Author: Britt DeLaney
Title: Zombie Zora, Author: R.G. Richards
Title: The Beautiful People's Society, Author: Edward J. Yaeger Jr
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Horror Story Collection 003
by Various
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
Title: Pedophile, Author: Rath Dalton
Title: Charli, Author: Jw Grodt
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The Open Door and The Portrait
Title: Putting the Romance Back into Necromancy, Author: Sarina Dorie
Title: Nightmare House, Author: Douglas Clegg
#1 in Series
Title: Chasing Shadows!: A Dream, Author: Arthur Zulu
Title: Zombie Cinderella (Zombie Fairy Tales #1), Author: Kevin Richey
#1 in Series
Title: Mischievous, Author: Jamaine Johnson
Title: The Room, Author: James Turner
Title: The Secret, Author: S.R. Booth
#1 in Series

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