Title: A compendium of the law of evidence, Author: Thomas Peake
Title: Modern Judiciary: An Essay, Author: Edward E. Rochon
Title: The American judiciary, Author: Simeon Eben Baldwin
Title: The history of conspiracy and abuse of legal procedure, Author: Percy Henry Winfield
Title: The Paris law courts; sketches of men and manners, Author: Gerald P. Moriarty
Title: Overlooked, Author: Kelvin Purdy
Title: Admissibility of Expert Witness Testimony, Author: Dagmar Lehmhaus
Title: United States Tax Court: A Historical Analysis: A Historical Analysis, Author: Harold Dubroff
Title: The king's peace : a historical sketch of the English law courts, Author: F. A. Inderwick
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Essay on the Trial by Jury
Title: Schools, the Workplace, and Sexual Harassment, Author: David C. Slade
Title: The Path of the Law, Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Title: A View From The Hole, Author: Larry Thornton
Title: Betrayal and Oppression: Humpty-Dumpty Must You Die?, Author: J. Lamah Walker
Title: To Catch a Killer, Author: Tim Madigan
Title: The Common Law, Author: Oliver Wendell
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 2 - November 2011, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: Evidence (Speedy Study Guides), Author: Speedy Publishing
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 3 - December 2011, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: Las Vegas Attorneys, Author: Thomas Chi

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