Body Confidence: Venice Nutrition's 3-Step System That Unlocks Your Body's Full Potential

    Body Confidence: Venice Nutrition's 3-Step System That Unlocks Your Body's Full Potential

    3.2 29

    by Mark Macdonald



    Customer Reviews

      ISBN-13: 9780062078698
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 04/05/2011
    • Sold by: HARPERCOLLINS
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 352
    • File size: 2 MB

    Mark Macdonald is the creator of the Venice Nutrition Program. He opened the first Venice Nutrition Consulting Center in Venice Beach, California, over fifteen years ago, and it has since developed into a network of more than five hundred centers across the United States, Canada, and Europe. He is the go-to health expert for both CNN and HLN, and he hosts the Daily Share segment Transformation Tuesday on HLN. Mark is the author of the New York Times bestseller Body Confidence: Venice Nutrition's 3-Step System That Unlocks Your Body's Full Potential. Mark is also married to the love of his life, Abbi, and they are the proud parents of their son, Hunter, and baby girl, Hope.

    Read an Excerpt

    Body Confidence

    Venice Nutrition's 3 Step System That Unlocks Your Body's Full Potential
    By Mark MacDonald


    Copyright © 2011 Mark MacDonald
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 978-0-06-199727-3

    Chapter One

    If you live in the past, your future is already determined.

    We've all had that one moment in our lives (brief as it may be) when
    we felt in control of our health. We got there somehow—through
    exercise, a diet, our genetics, or some other means. For whatever
    reason, everything just seemed to work; we felt and looked great. Then, for
    some other reason, everything that was once working seemed to vanish
    suddenly. Each day we tried to get back to that place and those circumstances,
    attempting to relive that moment. We spent endless hours focusing on the
    past, trying to figure out what had changed.
    That moment becomes our hope, our future possibility—our ace in the
    hole (an advantage held in reserve until needed). We believe that at any time
    we can pull out that ace and get back to where we were during that moment.
    Of course, we have our justifications for not immediately doing it—like: "Life
    is too busy" or "Once this project is completed" or "After the holidays" or
    "When the timing is right." We take on each day feeling just a bit worse,
    having less energy, getting more stressed, and watching our weight and body fat
    slowly increase. We tell ourselves that it is not a problem, that we know what
    we need to do but are just not doing it. We keep tight hold of that ace in the
    hole, ready to use it at any time.
    This thought process could continue for years until eventually we hit a
    tipping point—a moment when we can't take it anymore. The trigger could
    be many things: our clothes are too tight, our exercise program isn't working,
    we're tired all the time, our weight is at its highest point, our wedding is in
    three months, or maybe we have health complications. . . . This is when we
    pull out the ace in the hole, feeling that it will get us back to where we were,
    back to that moment we held on to.
    You dive right in, confident in your success as if it were guaranteed.
    The first day comes and goes, and you briefly think, "It seemed to be easier
    before. . . ." You might struggle and tell yourself, "I'll start fresh tomorrow."
    Tomorrow comes. The same challenges arrive, and you just shake it off. You
    enter the third day, and you still can't get on track. And now the doubts settle
    in. . . . You begin to think, "I didn't remember it being this hard, so what
    changed?" This pattern can continue for days, weeks, months, or even years,
    eventually leading us to the realization that we've lost control of our health
    and that the ace in the hole we've held on to for so long no longer works. This
    harsh reality hits like a ton of bricks, and we begin to accept the fact that we
    don't actually know what to do. . . . This is when panic sets in. We spent so
    much time holding on to that past moment, keeping it as our ace in the hole,
    that we stopped learning and stopped listening to our body.
    This is when diets attack; they are life's quick fixes. People use diets in their
    moments of frustration and desperation. Diets are the magic spell we are told
    to believe in, hoping that it really will be that easy to solve our problems.
    We become so overcome by the pain of our current status that we will do
    practically anything to alleviate it, including believing in smoke and mirrors.
    Our sense of reason is at its lowest point, and we've become more vulnerable
    than ever before, so we reach for the magic potion. We go on a calorie- and/
    or carbohydrate-restrictive diet, a liquid diet, a doctor-prescribed
    medication, appetite-suppression diet, or even a lemon and honey diet. We'll do
    basically anything out there that's designed to rapidly drop weight through
    deprivation, even if it lacks common sense, provides little structure, and is
    devoid of any history of long-term success.
    A diet will accomplish the initial goal by temporarily yielding results and
    relieving some frustration. Unfortunately, once you begin eating normally
    again, the weight returns as fast as it was lost. What in life can successfully
    be accomplished by reaching for a quick fix? Can a business succeed with-
    out a plan? Can a relationship succeed without continued communication?
    Can you parent your children successfully without leading by example?
    Your health is no different from any of these things. The fact is that any-
    thing we do that's worth the effort takes a proper foundation, hard work, and
    Your first step in taking your Body Confidence to the next level is to let go
    of your old aces in the hole and any attachments you might have to diets. Your
    hormones, physiology, lifestyle, profession, and environment are all
    continually changing and evolving. Whatever worked for you in the past is exactly
    that—your past. It will not work the same for you again. Embracing this fact
    is the key. The truth is that if your ace in the hole was the right thing for your
    body, your health would never have regressed.
    If you choose to let go of the past now, your health possibilities for the
    future are endless. Your mind will be open, and you'll be ready to learn how
    your body truly works now.
    Let's get into the actual physiological reasons that diets will always fail
    you. . . .
    There are two main philosophies in nutrition: dieting and blood-sugar
    stabilization. One is a catalyst that leads to what we call the Yo-Yo Syndrome
    (weight loss followed by weight gain in repetitive cycles), while the other
    creates an internal hormonal balance within your body that ignites your
    metabolism to optimally burn body fat.
    The dieting philosophy is centered on caloric and/or carbohydrate
    restriction and deprivation. It is a philosophy that leads you to create deficits in
    your nutrition and use restrictions to lose weight. This is the most common
    nutrition philosophy, most clearly explained by the phrase "calories in versus
    calories out." The thought process is this: if you are burning two thousand
    calories per day and you eat fifteen hundred calories a day, you are creating
    a daily five-hundred-calorie deficit. This deficit will initially assist in weight
    loss. Unfortunately, because dieting is based on deprivation, your body
    will always hit an immovable and impenetrable plateau (known as your
    body's internal set point, explained in chapter 2). This calorie deprivation
    will cause your body to burn fat. However, it will also cause your body to
    burn muscle. Losing muscle negatively affects the speed of your metabolism,
    because muscle is the primary place where body fat is burned (less muscle
    equals less fat burning), and muscle increases the rate at which your body
    burns calories.
    Typically, after you reduce your initial weight and/or reach a plateau on a
    diet, you'll begin eating the same way you did before you started, only now
    your body has lost some of its muscle, resulting in a slower metabolism.
    Eventually all the weight you lost is regained, but it contains more body
    fat. What I'm describing is what I earlier called the Yo-Yo Syndrome (in which
    your weight and body fat go up and down like a yo-yo, and many times your
    rebound weight is higher than your previous starting weight).
    Think about it: eventually every deficit must somehow be paid back. By
    dieting, you are training your metabolism to slow down, not speed up. The
    truth is that dieting is based on incorrect physiology.
    Anything that causes you to burn muscle is working against you, not for
    you. Millions of people have gotten caught up in dieting, including thousands
    of my clients and me. It's taught everywhere—at the doctor's, on TV, in
    magazines, in books, on infomercials, and even at universities. The reality is that
    dieting is outdated information, and is a billion-dollar industry designed
    specifically to keep you coming back. Now, the excitement of dieting is that
    it typically yields fast, temporary results (until you've done enough damage
    to your metabolism) and that it seems so simple: just eat less. The challenge
    is that dieting will yield only one outcome: long-term failure. If your goal is
    to make progress with your health and unlock your body's full potential, it's
    time to learn a better way.
    Somewhere along the way we got so caught up in the quick-fix mentality
    that we chose to forget about how our body actually works. We abandoned
    physiological facts and accepted hype and theories. This happened through the
    years because as time passes, our lives seem only to get busier and more
    stressful. Instead of wanting to do the work, we choose to take shortcuts with dieting.
    In the introduction I described the journey I went on to learn that the
    nutrition solution was blood-sugar stabilization. Debates about different diets
    become pointless once you truly understand how the body creates and
    utilizes blood sugar, and balances blood-sugar levels. What elevated my
    passion and motivated me to further understand the importance of stable blood
    sugar was living through the experience of Abbi's pregnancy as well as the
    birth and first year of Hunter's life.
    I still have some trouble understanding why most of the health industry lost
    focus on stable blood-sugar levels. You see, a fetus's core developmental factor
    is its mother's blood-sugar levels. Keeping them stable is vital for its survival.
    During Abbi's pregnancy she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes (the
    type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy). The concern with this is that
    if a fetus is constantly exposed to high levels of glucose (sugar), it is as if
    the fetus were overeating. A fetus inside a mother who's living with
    gestational diabetes produces more insulin to absorb the excess glucose (sugar),
    which results in a gain in fetal size and fetal weight. It's interesting how our
    adult bodies work the same way a fetus does. A fetus getting too much glucose
    (sugar) can become too large, leading to birth complications for the fetus and
    mother. Once Abbi was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, the number-one
    focus during her pregnancy became keeping her blood-sugar levels stable.
    Fortunately, Abbi was already active, healthy, and eating correctly. . . . She
    had a great foundation. When our doctor diagnosed Abbi with gestational
    diabetes, he brought one of the hospital's dietitians into the room to provide
    us with proper nutrition information. Abbi and I were given information that
    was outdated by a couple of decades. The hospital's dietician was a nice lady,
    and both she and our doctor had the best intentions . . . they were just out of
    touch. Just imagine, if you will, Abbi and me, having already trekked along
    a path filled with years of frustration, sitting in a doctor's office listening
    to outdated and inaccurate methods for stabilizing her blood sugar for the
    health of our baby. As you can guess, we thanked the dietician for her time,
    and I proceeded to design Abbi's nutrition and exercise program through-
    out her pregnancy, while our doctor monitored her insulin requirements. We
    monitored her blood-sugar levels very carefully, and Hunter was born at a
    normal weight and size. He was a healthy seven-pound baby boy.
    What was very interesting was what occurred within the first five
    minutes of Hunter's life, when the nurses tested his blood sugar. His survival
    depended on his blood sugar being within the normal range. If his blood
    sugar was too low, we would have had to immediately get food into his little
    body to stabilize his levels to make sure that his body could function
    correctly. Fortunately, since Abbi controlled her blood-sugar levels throughout
    the pregnancy, Hunter was of normal size and his body immediately
    processed glucose correctly. In the first few hours of his life, the nurses wanted
    Hunter to drink breast milk or formula (made to match breast milk). Both of
    these food sources are a combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The
    nurses also spoke about the importance of meal frequency: Hunter should
    be breast-feeding every three hours. I knew this meal structure, along with
    the balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates in Abbi's breast milk, would
    naturally keep his blood sugar stable and assist in his body's proper
    development and growth. To emphasize the importance of this information, the
    hospital offered a class for new mothers specifically focused on "how to
    properly feed your baby." This approach to proper nutrition continued through
    Hunter's first year of life. At every single doctor visit, the number-one topic
    was Hunter's nutrition, particularly his caloric intake and meal intervals.
    During Hunter's first year of life, an industry that I thought was outdated
    was actually teaching blood-sugar stabilization for babies. This led me to ask
    a few questions: First, how could most medical professionals be so correct
    with a baby's nutrition and so off with an adult's nutrition? Our physiology
    doesn't change, our body's ability to create energy doesn't change, and our
    need for nutrients doesn't change. If our bodies are meant to be fed a certain
    way during the first year of life, why should our focus change afterward?
    I took a step back, thought about the questions, and realized that the
    answers are simple. We choose to abandon how the body is supposed to be fed
    because, after the first year, the business and complicated nature of life get in
    the way. We are extremely fragile in the first year of life. During that time,
    we develop at a rapid pace every day. To ensure proper development as well
    as to survive, we need to be correctly fed. Once we pass that one-year mark,
    our bodies have stored enough body fat, and we've become strong enough,
    that our meal intervals and nutrient ratios are capable of change. Now, even
    though it makes sense for us to continue following the same pattern that
    we did during the first year of life (the way our bodies are meant to be fed),
    society, life, and lack of education become roadblocks that shift our focus
    away from eating correctly. Once Hunter turned one year old, his doctor's
    appointments shifted focus to height/weight charts and food pyramid
    recommendations, not blood-sugar stabilization. The reason everything seems
    to work so well for the first year of a child's life is that meal intervals, calories
    per meal, and nutrient ratios are based on instinct. Whether with breast milk
    or formula, a baby must be fed this way. Every study supports these facts.
    Think about it: doctors never explain why we feed our babies like this . . .
    it's just what we're supposed to do.


    Excerpted from Body Confidence by Mark MacDonald Copyright © 2011 by Mark MacDonald. Excerpted by permission of HarperCollins. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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    Say goodbye to feeling disappointed with your body—Body Confidence is the highly anticipated fitness book from world-renowned Venice Nutrition Program founder Mark Macdonald. Macdonald’s targeted series of diet and fitness strategies are proven to burn body fat, boost energy levels, increase muscle mass, and eliminate sugar cravings for a better looking, better feeling body today. Providing a step up to holistic body care for fans of Tosca Reno’s Eat-Clean Diet or Jorge Cruise’s Belly Fat Cure, and an excellent companion to Cynthia Sass’s Cinch!, the Venice Nutrition Program’s innovative fitness plan focuses on blood sugar stabilization and a complementary program of exercise, sleep, and stress management. A foreword by bestselling author Chelsea Handler will let you know why Body Confidence is your next step to a healthier, happier tomorrow.

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