Courageous Conversations about Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools

    by Anais Mosqueda


    (2nd ed.)

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    • ISBN-13: 9781483383743
    • Publisher: SAGE Publications
    • Publication date: 10/21/2014
    • Edition description: 2nd ed.
    • Pages: 312
    • Sales rank: 111,328
    • Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 9.90(h) x 1.00(d)

    Glenn Eric Singleton hails from Baltimore, Maryland. A product of public elementary and independent secondary school, Singleton earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his master’s degree from the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University. Singleton began his career as an Ivy League admissions director. In 1992, he founded Pacific Educational Group, Inc. (PEG) to support families in their transitions within and between K–12 and higher education. His company rapidly grew into a vehicle for addressing systemic educational inequity by providing a framework, guidance, and support to K–12 systems and institutions of higher education focused on meeting the needs of under-served students of color. He is now its president and chief executive officer.

    Singleton and his associates at PEG design and deliver individualized, comprehensive professional development for educators in the form of training, coaching, and consulting. Working at all levels, from beginning teachers to superintendents at local, state, and national levels, PEG helps educators focus on heightening their awareness of institutional racism and implementing effective strategies for eliminating racial achievement disparities in schools. In 1995, Singleton developed Beyond Diversity, a widely recognized seminar aimed at helping administrators, teachers, students, parents, and community stakeholders identify and examine the intersection of race and schooling. The Beyond Diversity seminar is the foundation for the PEG Systemic Racial Equity Framework and its theory of transformation, which focuses on leadership development, teacher action-research, and family/community empowerment. Today, participants around the world use Singleton’s Courageous Conversations Agreements, Conditions and Compass, introduced to them in Beyond Diversity, as they strive to usher in culturally proficient curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Over its 20-year history, PEG’s scope of work has expanded to include online professional learning, independent school partnerships, and international efforts in Canada and Australia that focus on educational equity for indigenous populations. PEG hosts an annual Summit for Courageous Conversation, in which scholars, educators, community members, and other stakeholders convene to identify strategies and best practices for creating high-level, equitable learning environments for all students.

    Singleton currently resides in San Francisco, California. He is the founder of the Foundation for a College Education (FCE) and currently serves on the FCE Advisory Board.

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    Table of Contents

    Foreword by Gloria Ladson-Billings
    About the Author
    1. Breaking the Silence: Ushering in Courageous Conversation About Race
    The Racial Achievement Gap and Other Systemic Racial Disparities
    Three Critical Factors
    The Courageous Conversation Strategy and Protocol
    Part I. Passion: An Essential Characteristic of Racial Equity Leadership
    2. What’s So Courageous About This Conversation?
    Courageous Conversation
    A Difficult Conversation
    3. Why Race?
    The Problem of the Color Line
    The Racial Gap
    Race as a Factor in Education
    Dealing With Race
    Establishing Common Language Around Race
    Do We Have the Will?
    Racial Autobiography Part I: Glenn Singleton
    4. Agreeing to Talk About Race
    Racial Consciousness
    Four Agreements of Courageous Conversation
    Racial Autobiography: Curtis Linton
    Part II. Practice: The Foundation of Racial Equity Leadership
    5. The First Condition: Getting Personal Right Here and Right Now
    Personal, Local, and Immediate
    The Impact of Race on My Life
    Degree of Racial Consciousness
    Racial Consciousness Versus Racial Unconsciousness
    Racial Autobiography: Melissa Krull
    6. The Second Condition: Keeping the Spotlight on Race
    Isolating Race
    Unpacking Race
    Racial Autobiography: Patrick Sanchez
    7. The Third Condition: Engaging Multiple Racial Perspectives
    Social Construction of Knowledge
    Surfacing Critical Perspectives
    Racial Autobiography: Leidene King
    8. The Fourth Condition: Keeping Us All at the Table
    Interracial Dialogue
    Creating Safety
    The Courageous Conversation Compass
    Racial Autobiography: Andrea Johnson
    9. The Fifth Condition: What Do You Mean By “Race”?
    A Brief History of Race
    A Working Definition of Race
    Racial Autobiography: Luis Versalles
    10. The Sixth Condition: Let’s Talk About Whiteness
    White Is a Color
    White Privilege
    White Is a Culture
    White Consciousness
    Whiteness as Examined in the Five Conditions
    White Racial Identity Development
    Racial Autobiography: Rev Hillstrom
    Part III. Persistence: The Key to Racial Equity Leadership
    11. How Racial Equity Leaders Eliminate Systemic Racial Disparities
    Invisibility Versus Hypervisibility
    Understanding Students of Color and Indigenous Students Within a White School
    Understanding Systemic White Racism
    The Injustice of Gradualism and Incremental Change
    Racial Autobiography: Courtlandt Butts
    12. Exploring a Systemic Framework for Achieving Equity in Schools
    A Vision of Equity
    Systemic Racial Equity Transformation
    Racial Autobiography: Unsuk Zucker
    Racial Autobiography: Malcolm Fialho
    13. Courageous Conversation as a Strategy for Achieving Equity in Schools
    Personal Racial Equity Leadership
    Individual Teacher Racial Equity Leadership
    Whole School Racial Equity Leadership
    Systemic Racial Equity Leadership
    St. Paul Public Schools: A Case Study
    Leadership for Racial Equity
    Racial Autobiography Part II: Glenn Singleton
    References and Selected Bibliography

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    Create a systemwide plan for transforming the district office, schools, and classrooms into places that truly support ALL students achieving their highest levels!

    This updated edition of the bestseller continues to explain the need for candid, courageous conversations about race so that educators may understand why achievement inequality persists and learn how they can develop a curriculum that promotes true educational equity and excellence.

    • NEW! Revised Courageous Conversation Compass
    • NEW! Racial autobiographies
    • NEW! Case study on St. Paul Public Schools, which has stayed on track with the Courageous Conversation protocol and framework
    • NEW! Links to video segments of the author describing the work
    • REVISED! Activities and checklists for school and district leaders
    • REVISED! Action and implementation steps

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    "The City’s leadership team has used Pacific Educational Group’s training and the Courageous Conversation protocol effectively to launch our racial equity work. Sharing these concepts and approaches with our partners, Saint Paul Public Schools, has created a level of trust and understanding around racial equity we didn’t have before. "
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    "Courageous Conversations About Race has guided our cultural transformation at Portland Public Schools toward becoming a more racially aware and culturally responsive institution - from our classroom instruction to our business and hiring practices. This protocol not only provides a way in to difficult conversations, it gives each of us the tools to see, own and act upon our role in perpetuating the status quo and understanding the urgency to reframe the paradigm for the success of all students. "
    Veronica Benavides
    Courageous Conversations About Race came across my desk at a time that I had almost given up on engaging in discussions of race and equity. I was exhausted from countless painful and unproductive conversations on this sensitive topic. I quickly learned why so many people choose not to engage in these conversations - because it is hard. This book not only inspires educators and system level leaders to courageously address what we have all become comfortable with ignoring, but also gives us concrete tools for productively entering a conversation about race.”
    Tim Wise
    In a nation that too often eschews either real dialogue or courage when it comes to issues like race and inequality, and particularly in regard to education, Glenn Singleton has demonstrated over many years just how important fearlessness can be in transforming schools and communities into places where justice is possible. The Courageous Conversation approach to enhancing equity is invaluable to the struggle for a more fair-minded and truly just America.”
    Randall Lindsey
    The ‘so what’ and ‘what now’ options this guide presents for self and institutional learning are clear. The ‘so what’ describes the necessary work in addressing the under education of ‘children of color’ and the ‘mis-education’ of white students and many current educators. The ‘what now’ is framed by the important message that ‘this is not easy work’ and it is fraught with the unaddressed dangers for those who undertake to do it. It is those dangers that allow racism to persist in our country.”
    Mark Anthony Gooden
    Glenn E. Singleton has provided yet another powerful and still relevant book in this useful revision. If you are serious about engaging in exercises that can truly interrogate race and unearth privilege for the purpose of obtaining equity in our schools, read this book. Indeed, this book inspired me to do my own racial autobiography, and also inspired my principalship students to start the journey to become more racially aware leaders who can skillfully lead courageous conversations. Since then they have taken action through practice, often using this volume, to make impactful changes to eradicate inequities in their schools in meaningful, life-altering ways.”
    Malcolm Fialho
    Courageous Conversation About Race (CCAR) protocol has provided significant depth to my diversity and inclusion practice at the University of Western Australia (UWA). Since the inception of our work in 2008, CCAR has provided a robust and comprehensive framework to embed cultural competence across all facets of university life. CCAR is now a regular feature on the annual UWA staff development calendar and this programming is now being emulated in fifteen universities across Australia and New Zealand.”
    Ellanor N. Brizendine
    The protocols of Courageous Conversation have changed my life as a leader, an educator, and fellow citizen of our forever-changing world. As a white woman, I have deepened not only my racial consciousness but also my ability to engage, both personally and professionally, in richer and truer capacities. I once heard Cornell West say that the heart of a strong, liberal education rests within the ability “to be prepared for the conversation and to be prepared to be changed by it. Courageous Conversations have allowed me that sort of preparation.”
    Keesha Jean-Baptiste
    The work Glenn is doing through Courageous Conversations About Race will stir you intellectually and move your personal beliefs beyond what you knew possible. This is the first approach I’ve seen that moves everyone along on their journey based on where they are personally first. The application is Glenn’s work goes beyond education and into many sectors of our society and industries. I am excited to see how his work can impact the advertising industry. Writing mission statements, policies and coming up with programs are all boxes many companies check. That part is too easy. And I think many companies will admit to feeling stuck. Glenn’s approach takes true courage to get real about one major obstacle which is - the belief system I have that may block my perspectives on diversity. Cheers to Glenn for challenging the conversation!”

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