Epilogue: A Memoir

    Epilogue: A Memoir

    4.0 2

    by Will Boast


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      ISBN-13: 9780871404923
    • Publisher: Liveright Publishing Corporation
    • Publication date: 09/08/2014
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 288
    • File size: 414 KB

    Will Boast was born in England and grew up in Ireland and Wisconsin. He won the Iowa Short Fiction Award for his story collection, Power Ballads, and the Rome Prize. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow, his writing has appeared in the New York Times, Virginia Quarterly Review, Best New American Voices, and elsewhere. He divides his time between Chicago and Brooklyn, New York.

    Table of Contents

    Prologue: Pain 13

    1 Comedians 25

    2 The Queen on the Frozen Tundra 34

    3 Epilogue 45

    4 Exes 51

    5 Kismet 60

    6 Discretion 72

    7 Near Misses 79

    8 England, Why England? 82

    9 Stranger 92

    10 Relics 104

    11 Lectures 114

    12 Strangers 127

    13 Hostage 141

    14 A Balancing Act 153

    15 Overdue 167

    16 Empty Threats 186

    17 One of the Lads 197

    18 Sad Stories 207

    19 Brighton 216

    20 Ambrosia 224

    21 Archaeology 231

    22 The Family Seat 245

    23 Buried 253

    24 Home 258

    25 Revision 266

    Prologue 277


    A Conversation with Will Boast, author of Epilogue

    Your first book, Power Ballads, was a collection of short stories. What made you decide to write a memoir next?

    I actually worked on both manuscripts at the same time, bouncing back and forth between them whenever I got stuck on a particular story or chapter. This is productive for me, and I often move between various projects. Over the years when I was writing Power Ballads and Epilogue, I also worked on a couple of different novels and a number of short stories that didn't fit, thematically, into Power Ballads. I'm now going back to all of that material and looking forward to finishing the novel and a new collection of stories. I've also been working on several TV scripts, which has been fascinating and a lot of fun.
    As to what made me decide to write a memoir about the material in Epilogue rather than, say, a novel, that was a question I grappled with for a long time. It was such a complex and important question, in fact, that I finally incorporated it into the text of Epilogue itself, which is in part about the necessity of facing the subject of the book head-on rather than through fiction.

    When you decided on memoir, which writers did you turn to for inspiration? Who are some of your favorites in the genre?

    I read widely, but not in any kind of systematic way. I learned a lot from reading Frank Conroy, Katherine Harrison, Geoffrey Wolff, Jo Ann Beard, Sven Birkerts, Nick Flynn, and Mary Karr. Especially useful were Alexandra Fuller's beautiful and hilarious memoirs of her childhood in southern Africa, Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight and Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness. Her story is a sprawling one, but she manages to build little, self-contained, cinematic set pieces that encapsulate so much of her family's strife and longing. I came to Fuller late in the game, but she showed me how to tighten and rein in key parts of my manuscript.
    It was also important for me not just to draw from contemporary memoir. I'm a huge Orwell fan and have read just about every word of his nonfiction. James Baldwin's essays are daunting, towering masterpieces. I didn't dare emulate them, but they were reminders of what could be done in the form. I also came to love the Italian writer Natalia Ginzburg's essays, which employ a cool, understated irony to enormous effect. And the Austrian writer Gregor von Rezzori provided a model for how you might write with both great intimacy and a certain observational distance about family and your younger self. William Maxwell's novels and stories about the Midwest often have such a strong autobiographical component that they almost read like memoir, and I found a great deal to like in his work.
    I also need to mention a couple of fellow writers who've shown me a great deal about how to write a personal story with honesty, conviction, and artistry. I was lucky enough to read Justin St. Germain's Son of a Gun and Jesmyn Ward's Men We Reaped in manuscript. We were all students of Tobias Wolff's, whose two memoirs, This Boy's Life and In Pharaoh's Army, I return to again and again.

    Each member of your family is described so vividly, with both clarity and love. Did you feel you learned anything new about your relationships in the course of writing this book?

    Almost certainly. It turns out you don't really think about your parents' lives much as you grow up, and one of the consolations of writing Epilogue was that I came to understand my mother and father with a much greater dimension than I would have otherwise. And even though I thought I knew my younger brother as well as I could know anyone, I never really paused to think about how difficult his life was when I was first away at college and he was home helping look after my mom, who was dying a very painful and dignity-stripping death from brain cancer. There are moments in Epilogue where I try to write through the perspective of each member of my immediate family, and that was some of the most difficult and revelatory work I did on the book.

    You've lived in England, the Midwest, the South, the West Coast, and New York City; where do you feel at home?

    I'm honestly not sure, and it's a question I struggle with often. England is still my family home and spiritual home, if you will, and it's where certain aspects of who I am seem to click right into place. Yet, after all of these years in the US, I certainly don't feel English. The Midwest, in particular Wisconsin and Chicago, also feels like home. But, as an adult, I've spent the longest stretch of time living in San Francisco. At the same time, I dreamed about living in New York for a long time. I have to say I love Brooklyn and California just about equally.
    One of the nice things about being a writer is that you often have more time for travel and roaming than most people do, and I try to see family in England and friends scattered across America as much as I can. So, in a way, home goes with me. But it's still a struggle, and it's been a rare moment, over the last fifteen years, when I haven't had stuff scattered across four or five storage spaces and friend's basements and sheds.

    Do you think the range of places you've lived has influenced your sensitivity to cultural differences and sharpened your observational skills?

    Yes, I hope so. I can remember, back in Wisconsin, seeing grown men from my small town and up from the Chicago suburbs throw beers in each other's faces at the annual Corn and Brat Festival over some dumb argument about Old Style versus Pabst Blue Ribbon or the Bears versus the Packers. And in my hometown of Southampton, in England, it's not uncommon to see brawls between supporters of Southampton's football club and supporters from Portsmouth, our longtime southern rivals. So, one thing about living in several different places is that you don't get so entrenched in where you're from forming a big part of your identity. You become more accepting of strangers and unfamiliar cultural practices, and you're constantly exposed to ideas that challenge the notions you were raised with, all of which is a very good thing. On the other hand, you do long for that sturdy, impregnable sense of identity. I love Wisconsin and I love Southampton, but last time I checked I had six different transit cards for six different cities in my wallet.
    As for any sharpening of observational skills—yes, I think so. You are weirdly always walking around, taking mental snapshots of places, and thinking what turn of phrase you could use to describe a building or a sky or a group of people in a café.

    Having discovered such an array of secrets within your own family's history, do you believe that every family harbors secrets?

    Every family has its secrets. You just haven't asked yet.

    Why is the book called Epilogue?

    I was twenty-four when my father died, and I thought then that I was the only surviving member of my family. I was alone, living in America, away from my extended family in England, and I had few and uncertain hopes for my future. My life seemed at that time like a mere epilogue, the last cursory chapter to my family's story. But then I made a discovery, one I never could've anticipated, that suddenly opened up a new chapter in my life. Several new chapters, in fact.
    The funny thing about memoir (as opposed to the novel) is that the story doesn't end on the last page. Your life keeps changing, making a book of autobiography not quite a static document. Epilogue, as a title, is also meant to reflect this strange instability. There are structural implications as well. The first chapter of the book is a prologue, the third chapter is the "Epilogue," and the last chapter is titled "Prologue." A new beginning, in other words. Or a brief resting point, at least, before life starts spinning out more surprises.

    Who have you discovered lately?

    Ted Thompson's The Land of Steady Habits. Teju Cole's Open City. Akhil Sharma's Family Life. Jennifer duBois' Cartwheel. Maggie Shipstead's Astonish Me. Jamie Quattro's I Want to Show You More. Carlene Bauer's Frances and Bernard. All of which I read, admired, and enjoyed deeply over the last year.
    I've also been reading a lot of nonfiction, with Ryszard Kapuscinski's journalism, the Goncourt Brothers' journals, and Jim Holt's funny books on philosophy being favorites and, oddly, Roger Ebert's movie reviews, which I read kind of compulsively

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    Winner, The Rome Prize

    “This remarkable memoir is written with extraordinary care, intelligence, and honesty. . . . In short, it’s fully alive.”—Phillip Lopate

    For Will Boast, what looked like the end turned out to be a new beginning. After losing his mother and only brother, twenty-four-year-old Boast finds himself absolutely alone when his father dies of alcoholism. Numbly settling the matters of his father’s estate, Boast stumbles upon documents revealing a closely guarded secret his father had meant to keep: he’d had another family entirely, a wife and two sons.

    Setting out to find his half-brothers, Boast struggles to reconcile their family history with his own and to begin a chapter of his life he never imagined. “Riveting, soulful, and courageously told” (Maggie Shipstead), Epilogue is the stunning account of a young man’s journey through grief in search of a new, unexpected love.

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    Publishers Weekly
    ★ 06/23/2014
    Family tragedy leads to almost unbearable darkness but also renewal and hope for a young man in this excellent memoir. Boast (Power Ballads) was in college when his mother died of cancer, his younger brother Rory was killed in a car crash, and his father succumbed suddenly to a booze-assisted perforated ulcer. Then, sifting through documents in the family’s Wisconsin home, he discovered that his father had a secret second family in England; he had two older half-brothers whom he’d never met. He connected with them to explore the mystery of his past—and to reinsert himself into it. Boast writes with unsparing clarity, in precisely observed domestic scenes that reveal mountains of unspoken feeling, of the grief his family endured—his father’s final lonely year is a heart-breaking tableau of anguish—and of the disorientation of a life that felt like a “tacked-on epilogue that went pointlessly on and on.” His narrative unfolds as a counterpoint between the culture of the American middle class and the warm, sometimes claustrophobic culture of his English relatives as he tries, hesitantly and awkwardly, to embrace them. The result is a finely wrought, wrenching yet lyrical study of a family that lives on past its seeming end. (Sept.)
    Jesmyn Ward
    So essential, so alive, so immediate.
    Ann Beattie
    He can really write.
    Tom Franklin
    A new young American voice for the ages.
    Justin St Germain
    The story of Epilogue would be compelling enough: a young man loses one family and discovers another. In Will Boast's expert hands, it becomes a plangent and penetrating meditation on grief, the weight of secrets, and the redemptive power of family. Clear-eyed, unsentimental, and heartbreaking, this book is a gift to its reader.”
    Eleanor Henderson
    A brave, brilliant, masterfully crafted story about an ordinary family's extraordinary collision of tragedies and secrets. Will Boast's efforts to write his family’s epilogue—to forge a space for his own life through understanding theirs—make for one of the most moving and transformative reading experiences I've had. I won't ever forget it.
    Maggie Shipstead
    Riveting, soulful, and courageously told, Will Boast's memoir is a gorgeous meditation on grief and family and also a deeply personal account of his coming of age under a relentless bombardment of tragedies and revelations. Never has a story of loss been so full of life.
    Jennifer duBois
    Elegiac and unsentimental, Epilogue is a moving meditation on the enduring mysteries of family, the surprising possibilities of loss, and the deep resilience of an individual. With piercing clarity and wisdom, Will Boast reveals the unexpected within the unthinkable.”
    Chad Simpson
    Epilogue is a soulful and profoundly moving portrait of family and loss, of mystery and grief. The story unfolds and builds and doubles back on itself like the notes and riffs in a free jazz performance, and Will Boast is a virtuoso, a masterful writer and storyteller.”
    Lysley Tenorio
    What if you lost your family, only to discover you had another? Will Boast's unforgettable memoir explores this seemingly impossible question in a straightforward yet lyrical language that infuses these pages with both wistfulness and hope.
    Jamie Quatro
    With a father-son relationship as complex and tortured as that in Knausgaard's My Struggle—and an obsession with music to boot—Boast takes his raw emotional content and faces it ruthlessly, translating his extraordinary experiences to the page with a poet's singular vision and restrained lyricism. Boast's story will break your heart; his prose will make it sing.”
    Anthony Marra
    Don't let the title of Will Boast’s magnificent memoir fool you—Epilogue is about beginnings as much as endings, discovering as much as losing family. It's honest, heartbreaking, gorgeously written, and hands down the most moving book I've read so far this year.”
    Phillip Lopate
    This remarkable memoir is written with extraordinary care, intelligence, and honesty. Though the material is powerful to begin with, what makes it work so well is its authorial voice: a rare combination of rawness and restraint, probing and delicacy, self-laceration and tenderness toward others. In short, it's fully alive.
    Jonathan Fullmer - Booklist
    [S]pellbinding… [Boast’s] affecting journey, related without sentimentality or self-pity, is not so much about his need for family as it is a candid reflection on loneliness and personal identity.
    Nellie Hermann - Los Angeles Review of Books
    A beautiful and finely crafted memoir, one that recalls in its very construction the vortexes and whorls of grief, the ways that memory is a living thing and time marches forward…It is a truly rare feat for a book to both break your heart and make you wish it wouldn’t end: Epilogue does both. Boast has shown us life as it really is: beautiful, strange, cruel, surprising, and rarely so honestly explored.
    Ben Dickinson - Elle
    Boast, an accomplished fiction writer and essayist, has composed a moving, elegantly contrapuntal narrative about coming to terms with his families—the one he lost, and the one that welcomed him with open arms.
    S. Kirk Walsh - San Francisco Chronicle
    It is during these unspoken moments that the author deftly captures the fleeting intimacy between father and son…The power of Epilogue comes in Boast’s brave and candid recounting of his losses—and how this accumulated grief reshapes the author and his beliefs of what can make up a family.”
    Leslie Jamison - The New York Times Book Review
    Wise, charming and deeply moving.
    Kirkus Reviews
    A father’s secret past roils his son’s world.After his father’s death, Boast (Power Ballads, 2011) made two shocking discoveries: The man who had lived so frugally that his sons dressed in thrift-store clothing left him a large inheritance, and his father had been married before. In his mid-20s, the author learned that he had two half brothers. Since they could make a claim against their father’s estate, Boast needed to track them down and, his lawyer advised, work out a financial settlement to avoid going to court. Still living in the family’s native England, Boast’s half-siblings, Arthur and Harry, welcomed him warmly. Arthur, a gay, affluent art gallery owner in Brighton, was living with his partner; Harry, a BMW employee, had two children who were delighted with their new uncle. Boast, however, remained tense and suspicious, second-guessing everything he said and wondering if connecting with them had been a mistake. His self-absorption and bitterness make him a less-than-sympathetic narrator. When he returned to America, he was reluctant to talk about his family, avoiding questions like, “Where do your folks live? What do they do? Sisters, brothers?” Determined “not to be seen as damaged goods,” he affected “a studied, almost icy reserve.” Although they knew their father abandoned them, settled in America and had a new family, Arthur and Harry remained emotionally open. Boast wondered, though, if their friendship was merely a ploy to take his inheritance. “I’d discovered I not only wanted the money,” he writes, “but could hardly stand to give any of it away.” When he did make an offer to the men, however, they readily agreed.In this emotionally raw memoir, Boast reveals his hard struggle toredefine for himself the meaning of family.Intermittently engaging, but the author never deals with an essential question: What is an adult’s—including a parent’s—right to privacy?

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