| Top Ten Benefits of Having Healthy Self-Esteem | x |
| Introduction | xi |
1 | What Is Self-Esteem Anyway? | 1 |
| Finding Your True Self | 2 |
| Formal Definitions of Self-Esteem | 3 |
| Self-Esteem Takes a Bad Rap! | 6 |
| Feeling Good versus Feeling Right | 8 |
| Recognizing What's Right | 9 |
2 | When Self-Esteem Is Unhealthy | 11 |
| Recognizing Unhealthy Self-Esteem | 12 |
| What Self-Esteem Isn't | 14 |
| Characteristics of Unhealthy Self-Esteem | 16 |
| Looking for Love in the Wrong Faces | 17 |
| The Effects of Unhealthy Self-Esteem | 18 |
3 | Influences on Self-Esteem | 21 |
| The Past Matters | 22 |
| Your Family | 22 |
| Your Friends | 24 |
| Your Teachers | 25 |
| Television, Movies, and Music | 26 |
| Letting Go of Old Ways | 27 |
4 | Deja View: Seeing Yourself Through Clear Glasses | 29 |
| The Pitfalls of Comparisons | 30 |
| Self-Worth | 30 |
| Your Uniqueness | 31 |
| Believing What Others Say | 33 |
| Handling Criticism and Praise | 36 |
5 | It's Who You Are | 39 |
| How You Behave | 40 |
| Finding Happiness | 41 |
| Forging Relationships | 45 |
| Your Values and Spirituality | 47 |
| Achieving Your Aspirations | 48 |
6 | It's Not Just a Job | 49 |
| Change and Growth | 50 |
| Problem-Solving Skills | 51 |
| Critical and Creative Thinking Skills | 52 |
| Your Personal Economy | 54 |
| Dealing with Mistakes | 55 |
7 | Getting Ready for the Journey | 57 |
| Developing a Positive Mindset | 58 |
| Setting Goals That Work | 60 |
| Making Personal Commitments | 62 |
| Developing a Plan of Action | 64 |
| Getting the Job Done | 64 |
| Sample Goal-Planning Worksheet | 66 |
8 | Work | 69 |
| A Job versus a Career | 70 |
| More Than the Money | 73 |
| Working for Others | 75 |
| Givin' It All You've Got | 77 |
| Activity: Stretching the Limits | 79 |
9 | Happiness and Laughter | 81 |
| Defining Your Personal Happiness | 82 |
| The Habits of Happiness | 85 |
| Finding Happiness | 88 |
| Sharing Happiness with Others | 89 |
| Turning Away Misery | 90 |
| Activity: Daily Happiness | 91 |
10 | Spirituality | 93 |
| What Does It All Mean? | 94 |
| Why Spirituality Matters | 94 |
| The Power of Beliefs | 95 |
| The Role of Spirituality in Character | 97 |
| The Role of Spirituality in Ethics | 99 |
| Activity: If It Is to Be, It Is Up to Me! | 101 |
11 | Wellness | 103 |
| Wellness in the Body | 104 |
| Eating Right, Feeling Right | 106 |
| Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol, and Drugs | 107 |
| Sex-Esteem | 109 |
| Wellness and Your Thoughts | 109 |
| Stress Reduction | 111 |
| Wellness as a Way of Life | 112 |
| Activity: Bury the Victim | 112 |
12 | Expanding Your Comfort Zone | 115 |
| Getting Out, Getting On | 116 |
| Taking Positive Risks | 119 |
| Holding Back the Fears | 121 |
| Dreaming Big | 122 |
| Motivation to Move On | 123 |
| Activity: Your Legacy | 125 |
13 | Looking Back | 127 |
| Cleaning Up the Past | 128 |
| The Danger of Living in the Past | 129 |
| Running from the Past | 130 |
| Learning from Mistakes | 133 |
| Embracing the Lessons | 135 |
| Activity: Digging Up Bones | 136 |
14 | Developing a Philosophy of Life | 139 |
| What Is Your Purpose? | 140 |
| Knowing What You Need | 140 |
| Pursuing What You Want | 143 |
| Why Are You Here? | 144 |
| Where Are You Going? | 145 |
| Getting There | 146 |
| Activity: What Is Different? | 149 |
15 | Dealing with Contaminated People | 151 |
| identifying Contaminated People in Your Life | 152 |
| Types of Contaminants (A Baker's Dozen) | 153 |
| Confronting Contaminated People | 157 |
| Giving Them a Second Chance | 158 |
| Eliminating Contaminated People | 160 |
| Activity: The Stupidest Person I Know | 161 |
16 | Visualization and Positive Thinking | 165 |
| The Power of Optimism | 166 |
| Getting the Optimism Fever | 168 |
| Conquering Pessimism | 171 |
| Visualizing Your Success | 172 |
| Putting Visualization into Action | 174 |
| Activity: Twenty-Four Hours | 174 |
17 | Integrity | 177 |
| A Personal Definition of Integrity | 178 |
| Moral Bankruptcy | 179 |
| Developing a Personal Integrity Plan | 182 |
| Fitting Integrity into Your Life | 183 |
| When Your Integrity Is Threatened | 184 |
| Activity: What If? | 186 |
18 | Personal Responsibility | 189 |
| Owning Your Actions | 190 |
| Failure to Accept Responsibility | 191 |
| Handling Blame | 193 |
| Personal Criticism | 195 |
| Letting Go of Perfection | 196 |
| Activity: Past Responsibility | 198 |
19 | Forgiveness and Reconciliation | 201 |
| Making Peace with the Past | 202 |
| What Is Forgiveness? | 203 |
| Forgiving by Communicating | 204 |
| Forgiving by Resolving Conflict | 205 |
| Learning to Trust Again | 206 |
| Understanding Differences | 208 |
| Take Action Now | 209 |
| Activity: Finding Goodness | 210 |
20 | Self-Promotion | 213 |
| It's Healthy to Self-Promote | 214 |
| Discovering You | 215 |
| Renewing Your Relationship with Yourself | 215 |
| Mementos of the Heart | 216 |
| Letters to Myself | 219 |
| Thoughts of Worth | 220 |
| Activity: Self-Advertisement | 222 |
21 | Unconventional and Creative Thinking | 225 |
| What Is Unconventional and Creative Thinking? | 226 |
| Characteristics of Creative Thinkers | 227 |
| The Fear of What Others Think | 230 |
| Doing What Others Dare Not Do | 232 |
| Trying Different, New, and Scary Things | 233 |
| Activity: Being Unconventional | 234 |
22 | Active Listening | 237 |
| Listening versus Hearing | 238 |
| The Importance of Listening | 240 |
| The Chinese Verb "to Listen" | 242 |
| Learning to Become an Active Listener | 243 |
| Overcoming the Obstacles to Listening | 245 |
| Activity: Listening with Questions | 246 |
23 | Subtraction | 249 |
| Admitting Your Weaknesses | 250 |
| Overcoming Weakness | 253 |
| Putting It into Perspective | 255 |
| Learning from Others' Comments | 257 |
| Activity: I Am Certain | 258 |
24 | Giving | 261 |
| Service to Others | 262 |
| Volunteering | 265 |
| Finding Gifts in Everyday Life | 267 |
| Giving to Yourself | 268 |
| Activity: What Can I Do Today? | 269 |
25 | Self-Esteem for Life | 273 |
| More Work Ahead | 274 |
| Make Wellness a Priority | 276 |
| Practice Integrity in Every Action | 277 |
| Forgive Your Past | 279 |
| Live in Your Spiritual Nature | 279 |
| Practice Optimism | 281 |
| Set Goals for Your Personal Success | 283 |
| Bringing It Home | 285 |
Appendix A | The Self-Esteem Assessment Inventory | 288 |
Appendix B | Additional Resources | 291 |
Appendix C | Goal-Planning Worksheet | 293 |
Appendix D | Bibliography | 295 |
| Index | 299 |