True Magick: A Beginner's Guide

    True Magick: A Beginner's Guide

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    by Amber K


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      ISBN-13: 9780738717074
    • Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
    • Publication date: 09/08/2010
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 360
    • File size: 2 MB

    Amber K is a third degree priestess of the Wiccan faith. She was initiated at the Temple of the Pagan Way in Chicago and served on the Council of Elders there. Her books on magick and the Craft have been widely circulated in the United States and Europe, and for nearly 25 years she has traveled across the U.S. teaching the Craft. She has worked with Circle and the Re-Formed Congregation of the Goddess, and served as National First Officer of the Covenant of the Goddess for three terms. She is a founder of Our Lady of the Woods and the Ladywood Tradition of Wicca, and currently is Executive Director of Ardantane, a Wiccan/Pagan seminary is northern New Mexico.

    Read an Excerpt

    chapter 1

    About Magick-and You

              Why do you want to do magick?

    This book is for you-if you want to:

    know in what direction your life is headed, so that you may
    consciously guide your own destiny;
    make wise decisions and solve difficult problems;
    cleanse yourself of ignorance, fear, and hatred;
    heal yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically;
    find new strength, happiness, and skill within;
    have all the necessities of life;
    protect yourself from harm;
    help others when they request it;
    help create a more loving world;

    . . . and, ultimately, if you want to find spiritual fulfillment and joy in sharing the essence of divinity.

    If you want magickal skill in order to harm another, or to control or manipulate anyone, then this book is not for you. Put it down or give it away before you endanger yourself.

    If you seek the ancient skills of the adepts for only ethical, beneficial purposes and primarily for your own growth, then read on.

    What Magick Is Not

    Magick is not an array of tricks or stage illusions. The "k" at the end of the word serves to distinguish it from the "magic" of nightclub acts. Magick is not for show.
    Magick is not supernatural. As Janet and Stewart Farrar, prominent Irish witches and Craft teachers, point out, "Magic(k) does not break the laws of Nature; when it appears to do so, that is because it is obeying laws that the observer has not yet understood."_
    Magick is not the medieval art of summoning demons to do one's will, at least not to intelligent and ethical magicians. Though it is possible to establish communication with beings on other planes of reality, trying to coerce them into service is both immoral and dangerous.
    Magick is not based on a pact with "the Devil." Most magicians, including Wiccan priests and priestesses, do not believe in Satan and would certainly have no dealings with such an entity if he did exist.
    Magick is not a good way to get revenge on enemies or force a former lover to return to you. Indeed, there is no "good" way to accomplish such nasty and immature things; but the penalties for misusing magick can be far greater than the consequences of these actions on the material plane.
    Magick is not available only to a few talented individuals born with special gifts. It can be learned and mastered to a great degree by anyone with self-discipline and persistence.
    Magick does not reside in ritual tools, amulets, magickal swords, etc., unless and until they are charged by a magician. The skill and power lie always in the magician, not in the tool.
    Magick does not generally result in spectacular "special effects" on the material plane: strange entities materializing, showers of gold falling from the sky, locked doors bursting asunder, and so forth. Dramatic physical effects are possible and occasionally occur, but most magick aims at internal growth, where results are harder to see. Even magick for material-plane purposes tends to manifest in more or less quiet, gradual, natural ways.
    _ Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches' Way (London: Robert Hale, 1984), 110.

    And magick is not easy to learn or to practice. It is not an instant fix for life's problems, nor is it a shortcut to fame and wealth. It is a set of specialized tools, uniquely well-designed for inner growth and spiritual development. It can be used for more ordinary purposes, but sometimes that is like trying to pound nails with a screwdriver. Magick can be used to bring you safety, wealth, or loving relationships, but it is not a substitute for wearing a seat belt, getting a job, or being sensitive to your lover's needs. And no matter what it is used for, magick requires hard work and discipline.

    What Magick Is
    A definition of magick is in order. We have already rejected that of Webster's dictionary: magick as "the use of means (as charms, spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces." Here are some other definitions by magicians:

    "Magic is the science of the control of the secret forces of nature." -S. L. MacGregor Mathers
    "Magic is a comprehensive knowledge of all nature." -Francis Barrett
    "Magick is the art and science of causing changes to occur in conformity with will."-Aleister Crowley
    "Magic is the art of effecting changes in consciousness at will."-William Butler
    "The work of magic involves transformation, and the first transformation is the shift of perception."-Marion Weinstein
    "The movement of natural energies . . . to create needed change. Energy exists within all things-ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements. Magic is the process of rousing or building up this energy, giving it purpose, and releasing it. Magic is a natural, not supernatural, practice, though it is little understood." -Scott Cunningham

    So we can see that magick involves using natural forces to effect willed change, often changes in our own perceptions or consciousness. But what is the goal?

    What Magick Is For

    Stewart Farrar puts it this way: "The stage-by-stage development of the entire human being is the whole aim of magic."
    According to Marion Weinstein, magick can help "get your entire life in harmony mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and psychically . . . And what is the ultimate purpose of the work? To fulfill the self on an even higher level. To transform, uplift, and so fully develop the self that the whole Universe may benefit thereby."_
    William G. Gray, another well-known occultist, says: "Magic is for growing up as Children of Light. Sane, sound, healthy, and happy souls, living naturally and normally on levels of inner Life where we can be REAL people as contrasted with the poor shadow-selves we project at one another on Earth."_

    Thus magick exists to expedite, guide, and enhance change. Wiccans might say it is the work of the goddess within: "Everything she touches, changes . . ."

    It seems a peculiarly human process, as far as we know. Other creatures can change their environments, but only sentient, self-aware beings can change themselves. Perhaps the cetaceans attempt this too-one day we may explore the spiritual paths and magickal traditions of the dolphins and whales.

    Change ourselves? But to what? To a fuller range of possibilities, a broader spectrum of spirit. Not change to something else, but to something more. First learn to know ourselves, and then we expand, stretch our hearts and minds and souls, and explore and develop new territories within ourselves.

    We are part of All That Is. With magick, we can experience existence from the perspective of other parts and know that we are One. We can experience at-one-ment with the immanent Source.

    Perhaps this is the goal of all spiritual paths: to reconnect with the Source, to bridge the chasm of illusion that makes us feel separate and alone, to come Home.
    _ Marion Weinstein, Positive Magic (Custer, WA: Phoenix, 1991), 3.
    _ William G. Gray, Inner Traditions of Magic (New York: Samuel Weiser, 1970), x.

    But the quest requires us to change, and magick is an effective tool for this. The scary part is this: we can't know who we are changing into until we actually experience the change. By then it's too late for second thoughts. We cannot change back; we can only keep changing, or wither.
    Because we give up our old selves, any change is a "little death" that is the necessary first step to rebirth. To choose this, to will it, and to seek it out is an act of incredible courage. Magick requires daring. Not to change is to stagnate and die; but to willingly offer up the life we know is to find a greater life.

    In "The Charge of the Goddess," she says, "Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things and my love is poured out upon the earth." On one level this is true: killing a lamb on an altar stone does not lead to inner growth.

    Yet on another level, sacrifice is required: self-sacrifice, the surrender of your old self. This is the meaning of the Hanged Man of tarot's major arcana (below) and of Odin's act in Norse mythology: "Nine days and nights I hung on the Tree, myself sacrificed to Myself . . ."
    To the conscious mind unaware of the immortal Spirit within, this kind of sacrifice, the loss of the isolated little persona-self, seems terrifying indeed. Yet through it one regains the lost wholeness of the Greater Self, which is all of us, which is God/dess.

    Thus far our focus has been on that branch of magick called theurgy; or as Isaac Bonewits defines it, "The use of magic for religious and/or psycho-therapeutic purposes, in order to attain 'salvation' or 'personal evolution.'" Though this is generally the best and highest use of magick, we will not ignore thaumaturgy, again defined by Bonewits: "The use of magic for nonreligious purposes; the art and science of 'wonder working'; using magic to actually change things on the Earth Plane."_

    Thaumaturgy might include magick to heal physically; to travel safely; to obtain satisfying employment or a new home; to purify and bless a house or one's tools; to draw an adequate income; and so on. If such matters are accomplished without harm to others (as in seeking a job rather than Sam's job), and the magick is performed to supplement material-plane efforts raththan replace them, then there's nothing at all wrong with the practice of thaumaturgy.

    Acting in Accord

    Understand this: magick is not miracle-working. After you do a spell or ritual to achieve your purpose, you must still take practical steps to allow the magick to manifest. This is called "acting in accord" with the magick. You can do healing magick to get over an illness, but you must still rest and drink liquids. You can do a spell to get a better job, but you still must ask friends if they know of openings, and then apply for them. If you fail to do the logical follow-up steps, you will be like the legendary blonde who prayed night after night to win the million-dollar lottery, until after some weeks a great and weary voice thundered from the heavens: "O my daughter, I will consider your request; but you could help by buying a lottery ticket."

    Magick and practical action reinforce each other; but you must do both to make the magick work.
    Blesséd be.

    _ Isaac Bonewits, Real Magic (Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., 1971), 268.

    Table of Contents

    Preface . . . xv

    Acknowledgments . . . xvii

    Introduction to the 15th Anniversary Edition . . . xix

    1: About Magick-and You . . . 1

    What Magick Is Not, 2
    What Magick Is, 3
    What Magick Is For, 4
    Acting in Accord, 6

    2: A Brief History of Magick . . . 7

    Magick Everywhere, 8
    Magick at the Dawn of Humankind, 8
    Magick in the Fertile Crescent, 9
    Life, Death, and Magick in Khemi, 10
    The Magick of Old Europe, 11
    Science and Magick in Greece and Rome, 12
    Magick Versus the Church, 13
    Magick Comes to the New World, 14
    The Western Tradition Rises, 14
    Wicca and Paganism: “We're Back,” 15
    The Triumph of Science and Religion, 16
    Science Discovers Magick, 17
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 17

    3: First Steps in Magick . . . 19

    A Time for Magick, 19
    A Space for Magick, 20
    Your Magickal Journal, 22
    A Purpose for Magick, 22
    Your Family and Neighbors, 23
    Choosing a Magickal Name, 23
    Your Magickal Apparel, 25
    Dedication Ritual, 28
    Music, 30
    Books, 30
    Tools, 30
    Supplies, 31
    The Journey Begins, 31
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 31

    4: Magick and Science . . . 33

    The Limits, 33
    The Nature of Reality, 35
    Energy Is Abundant, 39
    Everything Is Connected, 41
    Possibilities Are Infinite, 43
    Scientists as Magicians, 45
    But Does It Really Work? 46
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 47

    5: The Path Lies Within You . . . 51

    The Middle Self, 52
    The Younger Self, 53
    The Higher Self, 53
    The Magickal Team Within You, 54
    Clearing the Path: Phase One, 55
    Clearing the Path: Phase Two, 56
    Clearing the Path: Phase Three, 58
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 58

    6: Ethics and Hazards . . . 61

    Part 1: Ethical Guidelines, 61
    The Wiccan Rede, 62
    The Law of Return, 62
    Magick Only with Permission, 62
    Refusing to Charge Money, 63
    Part 2: Hazards, 64
    Energy Imbalance, 64
    Excessive Introversion, 64
    Temptation to Act Unethically, 65
    Interference from Nonmaterial Entities, 65
    Success in the Wrong Endeavors, 67
    Persecution, 68
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 69

    7: The Pyramid of Magick . . . 73

    A Profound Knowledge, 73
    A Creative Imagination, 75
    A Will of Steel, 76
    A Living Faith, 76
    To Keep Silent, 77
    And Love Within, 78
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 79

    8: The Energies of Magick . . . 87

    Cleansing and Balancing Your Energy Field, 91
    Centering and Connecting, 91
    The Power Within You, 92
    Raising Power from Without, 92
    Sending the Power, 93
    Earthing Excess Energy, 93
    Protecting Animal Companions, 94
    Recharging Talismans and Wards, 95
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 96

    9: Magick and Your Health . . . 103

    Eating Right, 103
    Clean Air, 106
    Regular Exercise, 106
    Natural-Fiber Clothing, 107
    Restful Sleep, 108
    Natural Light, 109
    Love, 110
    A Word About Addictions, 113
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 115

    10: Creating the Magickal You . . . 119

    Balancing the Elements in Yourself, 119
    The Elemental Star, 120
    Elemental Star Questions, 122
    Your Elemental Star, 125
    Your Priority Element for Personal Work, 126
    The Sacred Marriage, 127
    Connecting with Deity, 130
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 135

    11: The Varieties of Magick . . . 137

    Styles of Magick, 137
    What Kind of Magician Are You? 139
    Some Magickal Traditions, 141
    Shamanism, 141
    Wicca, 142
    Norse Magick, 143
    Huna, 144
    Alchemy, 145
    Brujaría, 146
    Qabala, 147
    Voudun, 149
    Western Ceremonial Magick, 150
    Other Magickal Traditions, 151
    Connecting with the Magick of an Era or Culture, 152
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 153

    12: Nature Magick . . . 157

    Hunting Magick, 158
    Herb and Garden Magick, 158
    Divination with Nature, 160
    Sun, Moon, and Stars, 161
    Water Magick, 163
    Tree Magick, 163
    Animal Allies, 165
    Earth and Stone Magick, 166
    Weatherworking, 168
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 169

    13: Intrinsic and Inner Magick . . . 173

    The Tools of Intrinsic Magick, 174
    Inner Magick, 177
    Memory, 178
    Visualization, 178
    Imagination, 179
    Othersight, 179
    Energy from Emotions, 180
    Direct Mental Manipulation of Energy, 181
    Visualization Plus Energy, 182
    Inner Ceremonial Magick, 182
    Magick with Virtual Tools, 183
    Allegorical Inner Magick, 184
    Symbolic Inner Magick, 185
    One Goal, Five Inner Methods, 186
    Direct Manipulation, 186
    Visualization, 187
    Ceremonial, 187
    Allegorical, 187
    Symbolic, 188
    Intrinsic Magick, Pluses and Minuses, 188
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 189

    14: Getting Ready for Ritual . . . 193

    Knowing Your Purpose, 193
    Your Ritual Tools, 195
    Your Altar, 199
    The Timing of Ritual, 201
    Understanding Correspondences: The Language of Ritual, 202
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 204

    15: Creating and Performing Ritual . . . 207

    The Steps of Magickal Ritual, 207
    A Sample Ritual, 215
    Analysis, 217
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 218

    16: Spellcraft: The Techniques of Magick . . . 223

    A Spell to Become Calm and Centered, 224
    A Spell for Easing Grief or Sadness, 225
    A Spell for Employment, 226
    A Spell for a House Blessing, 226
    A Spell for Love, 228
    A Spell for Prosperity, 229
    A Spell for Safe Travel, 230
    A Spell for Self-Blessing, 231
    A Spell for Self-Confidence, 232
    A Spell for Self-Healing, 233
    Techniques, 234
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 236

    17: Everyday Magick and Daily Spiritual Practices . . . 237

    Daily Spiritual Practice, 237
    Grounding and Centering, 239
    Protective Spells, 240
    Quick Divination, 241
    Travel Magick, 242
    Daily Theurgy, 243
    Magick to Sacralize the World, 245
    Odds and Ends, 246
    Portable Ritual Tools, 249
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 251

    18: Your Magickal Education Continues . . . 253

    Contact Points, 253
    Schools That Teach Magick, 255
    Evaluating Teachers, 257
    The Question of Fees, 259
    Learning Magick from Books, 260
    Learning from Nature, 261
    Practice and Experimentation, 265
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 267

    19: Change, Death, and Magick . . . 269

    What Is Death? 270
    The Lessons of Past Lives, 272
    On Dinosaurs, Death, and the Dance, 274
    Exercises Toward Mastery, 276

    Conclusion . . . 279


    I:Glossary of Terms, 281
    II:Elemental Correspondences, 301
    III:Colors for Magick, 303

    IV: Recommended Reading, 305

    V: Seeds for Meditation, 313

    VI:Discussion of Ethical Scenarios, 319
    VII:Magicians Through the Ages, 325
    VIII:Elemental Star Charts, 339

    Index . . . 345

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    For fifteen years, Amber K's "little green book" has guided thousands down the life-changing path of magick. Selling more than 200,000 copies, True Magick has truly struck a chord with Witches, Pagans, and magicians around the world.

    Presented here for the first time is the revised and expanded anniversary edition of True Magick. It features the same delightful introduction to the history and lore of magick, in addition to several varieties of magick, ranging from shamanism and Norse Magick to Voudun and Qabala. Amber K explains the basics, such as how to find or create ritual tools, establish a temple, plan a ritual, and cast spells safely and ethically. New material includes six more chapters, recommending reading for each chapter, and more than 100 added exercises.

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