Title: The Midnight Sea (Fourth Element Series #1), Author: Kat Ross
Title: Element: Targeted Toning Pilates for Beginners
Title: Element: Yoga for Weight Loss
Title: Element: Am and PM Yoga for Beginners
Title: Element: 5 Day Yoga
Title: Dagger, Author: Cora Blu
#1 in Series
Title: Resistance: Divided Elements #1, Author: Adam Kesher
Title: Things My Heart Has to Say: Element Series: WATER, Author: B. Nakia Garner
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The Midnight Sea
by Kat Ross
Narrated by  Piper Goodeve
#1 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Created with Sketch.
Created with Sketch.

Queen of Chaos
by Kat Ross
Narrated by  Piper Goodeve
#3 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Created with Sketch.
Created with Sketch.

Blood of the Prophet
by Kat Ross
Narrated by  Piper Goodeve
#2 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: Blade, Author: Cora Blu
#2 in Series
Title: Fire: An Account of the Curious Adventures of the Presleys of Fox Hollow Farm, Author: Francesca Musiani
Title: Ridge Book III, Author: Cora Blu
#3 in Series