The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Weight Management: A Step-by-Step Program

    The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Weight Management: A Step-by-Step Program

    by Michele Laliberte, Randi E. McCabe, Valerie Taylor


     $19.55 | Save 41%

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      ISBN-13: 9781608826964
    • Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
    • Publication date: 11/01/2009
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 216
    • Sales rank: 125,556
    • File size: 5 MB

    Michele Laliberte, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and director of the outpatient adult eating disorders program at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, ON, Canada. She is also assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and neurosciences at McMaster University. She has trained numerous health care professionals in both individual and group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment for eating disorders. She has published articles about the role of weight control beliefs and family factors that predict disturbed eating, and has presented at international conferences on eating disorders.

    Randi E. McCabe, Ph.D., is psychologist-in-chief and director of the anxiety treatment and research center at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, ON, Canada. She is also associate professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University. Her research has focused on anxiety, eating disorders, and cognitive behavioral therapy. She has published numerous articles and coauthored four books, including the Overcoming Bulimia Workbook.

    Valerie Taylor, MD, Ph.D., is assistant professor in psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada. At St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, she is director of the mood disorders somatic health program and heads the psychiatric team affiliated with the bariatric surgery program. Taylor's research focuses on the interrelations of addiction, obesity, and mental health. She has received numerous research grants and academic awards and has published extensively on the areas of obesity and physical health outcomes in patients with mental illness.

    Michele Laliberte, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and director of the outpatient adult eating disorders program at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, ON, Canada. She is also assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and neurosciences at McMaster University. She has trained numerous health care professionals in both individual and group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment for eating disorders. She has published articles about the role of weight control beliefs and family factors that predict disturbed eating, and has presented at international conferences on eating disorders.
    Randi E. McCabe, PhD, is psychologist-in-chief and director of the Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. She is also associate professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioural neurosciences at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.
    Valerie Taylor, MD, PhD, is assistant professor in psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada. At St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, she is director of the mood disorders somatic health program and heads the psychiatric team affiliated with the bariatric surgery program. Taylor's research focuses on the interrelations of addiction, obesity, and mental health. She has received numerous research grants and academic awards and has published extensively on the areas of obesity and physical health outcomes in patients with mental illness.

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    We all think we know what we have to do to manage our weight, and blame ourselves when we don't meet the goals we have set. In reality, we need to understand the biology behind the body's regulation of weight to achieve the control we are hoping for. And we need strategies for overcoming obstacles: the stress of daily life, emotional upsets, and people who sabotage our efforts or attack our self-esteem.

    The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Weight Management is a different kind of weight management guide that focuses on helping you stay disciplined and dedicated to your weight management goals by using cognitive behavioral therapy. This approach has been used by therapists for years to treat a diverse range of mental health conditions, and researchers have found that it also helps people make healthy changes that last.

    This workbook includes exercises and worksheets to help you design a customized weight management strategy most likely to be effective for you based on the habits and lifestyle you have now. You'll set specific goals to improve your body image and your health, and follow a realistic weight management plan designed specifically for you. It is possible to feel good about yourself as you work toward a healthier lifestyle. This book will show you how.

    Learn to:

    •Manage situational, emotional, and interpersonal eating triggers
    •Overcome body image difficulties and critical thoughts
    •Make changes toward weight management that you actually enjoy
    •Use support from friends and family to bolster success

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    From the Publisher
    "This book provides an easy-to-follow, comprehensive program for losing weight and keeping it off. Unlike many books on this topic, the strategies in this book are based on proven psychological principles. I recommend this workbook to anyone who struggles to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle."
    —Martin M. Antony, PhD, ABPP, professor of psychology at Ryerson University in Toronto, ON, Canada, and author of When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough

    "Given the lack of effective tools to assist people in their weight struggles, this book fills an important gap. It provides evidence-based strategies for weight management, addresses problematic thoughts and behaviors, and offers long-term lifestyle solutions for healthy eating, exercise, and maintaining a positive body image. This book is a valuable resource for both consumers struggling with weight issues and the clinicians who help them."
    —Traci McFarlane, PhD, C.Psych., staff psychologist and clinical team leader at Toronto General Hospital and assistant professor at the University of Toronto

    "Changing the way you think is key to losing weight and eating more mindfully. This straightforward, easy-to-read guide helps illuminate the thoughts and behaviors that may be standing in the way. You’ll learn essential skills that will take you far on your journey toward a healthier you!"
    —Susan Albers, Psy.D., author of 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food, Eating Mindfully, and Eat, Drink, and Be Mindful

    "This is a fantastic tool for individuals seeking to find an exit ramp from the freeways and cloverleaves of dieting, weight regain, and more dieting. Completing the program laid out in this book will help almost anyone get their life and eating habits back under control, determine a long-term path toward a healthier lifestyle, and develop a more contented acceptance of their own body. It should be a required tool in every weight management clinic on the planet, and I feel strongly that it should be required reading for every family practice physician and health care provider in North America."
    —Julie Janeway, author of The Real Skinny on Weight Loss Surgery and coauthor of The Encyclopedia of Obesity

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